This website is currently published by the association:
IN CORPORE - 167, La Neuville - 02130 Mareuil-en-Dôle
An application for registration with the Joint Commission for Publications and Press Agencies [ category "information, politics and general] is in progress.
A declaration to the CNIL was filed on July 14, 2020 and is still being processed.
Director of publication : Jean-Marc Adolphe
Editors: Jean-Marc Adolphe, Jean-Charles Herrmann, Clémentine Télésfort ... current editorial team
Videos Speakers: Sonia Leontieff
Collaborations, structuring & coordination: Clémentine Télésfort & Sarah Mercadante
Design of the website : Art+Culture Development / Jean-Charles Herrmann is published for the time being by the association In Corpore
[167, La Neuville, 02130 Mareuil-en-Dôle]. It renounces all forms of advertising and financing by subscription in favor of financing by donations. is betting on the following: our donors consider that independent, free and quality information is a common good that must be accessible to all. And committed citizens finance this committed journalism.
Do not hesitate to contribute to our work. Thanks in advance.