in a few words
The online journal is a genuinely alternative media, both in its editorial design and in the participatory philosophy that drives it. Produced and developed by the In Corpore association in affinity with the “Festival of the Humanities” collective , our online journal seeks to tell stories of experiences, relay initiatives, deposit resources.
The online journal is complemented by a Humanities Festival 2020 Facebook page , a Vimeo channel and a Twitter account.
A cooperative platform
The signatories of the charter-manifesto of the humanities collectively constitute a “public order” and nurture a shared network of places, practices and projects.
A constellation of public events is an online journal, a cooperative platform, but also a connected constellation of artistic and cultural, ecological, citizen and solidarity events, anchored in multiple regions.
Economic model is currently published by the association In Corpore [167, La Neuville, 02130 Mareuil-en-Dôle]. It renounces all forms of advertising and financing by subscription in favor of financing by donations. is betting on the following: our donors consider that independent, free and quality information is a common good that must be accessible to all. And committed citizens fund this committed journalism.
Application for registration with the Joint Commission for Publications and Press Agencies (category “political and general information”) in progress.
Director of publication: Jean-Marc Adolphe
Website design: Art+Culture Development / Jean-Charles Herrmann
Collaborations, structuring and coordination: Clémentine Télesfort & Sarah Mercadante
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